Safewalk Fast Auth
For iOS & Android
Secure & Convenient
Verify authenticity of transaction data & sender
Transaction signature in a click with Push request method
Two way & asymmetric authentication

Fast Auth mobile transaction data signing solution creates an electronic signature unique to each particular transaction. Data such as account numbers, transaction amounts and a timestamp are electronically signed and a signature code is generated. Safewalk Server will verify the authenticity of the data received and that it corresponds to the date effectively entered by the user.
Safewalk will validate:
Data integrity - That the transaction data that was entered by the user is correct and that no modifications were done on the data
User identity – That the transaction request was indeed asked by the indicated user/customer
Time integrity – That the transaction request corresponds to a valid time of the source document.
Fast Auth transaction signature features:
Sign to secure the validity of transaction data
For Desktop online or Mobile banking transactions
User validates the transaction request in a click with Fast Auth mobile
Two way and asymmetric authentication and asymmetric method for high security
Safewalk Fast Auth
For iOS & Android
Secure & Convenient
Authenticates User, validates data integrity and generates digital signature (diff. levels)
Data/documents signature in a click with Push request method
Users can sign documents from anywhere at any moment in a click

Fast Auth mobile data signing solution allows to digitally sign documents with different types of digital signatures. Data and a timestamp are electronically signed and a signature code is generated. Safewalk Server will verify the authenticity of the data received and that it corresponds to the date effectively entered by the user. The document or data will then be electronically signed with a qualified or advanced digital signature.
This solution preserves data integrity and ensures authenticity, rendering any changes made to a document after it has been electronically signed as invalid.
Fast Auth Mobile solution combines strong authentication and Digital Signatures.
Safewalk will validate:
Data integrity - That the signed data that was entered by the user is correct and that no modifications were done on the data
User identity – That the signature request was indeed asked by the indicated user/customer
Time integrity – That the signature request corresponds to a valid time of the source document.
Fast Auth transaction signature features:
All types of digital signatures including Qualified signatures (SCSE compliant)
eID.AS compliant signatures (CA issued) or advanced signatures
Customizable workflows
Possibility to send multiple requests for signature
Can be branded
Functionality embedded in Fast Auth authentication app (single app for authentication and digital signatures)

Learn more about Safewalk